5 Star Review - redux

5 Star Review - redux 

Hitting the Road Without a Map has received another 5 Star review on Reader's Favorite - an on-line reader and author service, which hopefully proves that this book is your best buddy whether at home or on the road.

Review:           5 Stars

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Hitting the Road Without a Map is a work of non-fiction in the memoir subgenre.  It is best suited for mature readers, owing to some instances of explicit language use.  The book was penned by author Fred Rutter, about an incredible cross-country journey and the impact it had on his life. When Fred is paired up with an unlikely companion, and tasked to deliver an RV on an epic journey from Ohio to Oregon, so begins a journey of personal introspection against the backdrop of the American West.

What results is a soul-searching and touching memoir that celebrates all the joy that can be found in life if we step outside our own little worlds to appreciate it. Author Fred Rutter delivers a candid, heartfelt, and wonderfully entertaining memoir about his changing perspective on life, and this volume is exactly what a memoir should deliver in terms of its atmosphere, message, and reading experience.

I was floored by how raw and honest the narrative is, with no holds barred on discussing personal demons and struggles that need to be overcome. The way this is juxtaposed with the humorous dialogue, interplay of characters, and the gorgeous scenery and celebration of America just sets the perfect mood so that nothing ever becomes too depressing or heavy to read. I also felt that the map and photographs included made it very easy to imagine where sharp conversations and moments of poignant clarity were taking place.

Overall, I would certainly recommend Hitting the Road Without a Map to fans of road-trip memoirs who also want a lot of truth and heart.


*    *    *

        As an author, a review like this is quite gratifying, especially since it comes from a respected book review source - Reader's Favorite.  They may not have the clout, or cache' of a Kirkus Reviews, but it still matters.  

        Movement of my book on Amazon has picked up noticeably in recent days, through my own on-line marketing efforts.  Unfortunately, Amazon is offering the ebook at a rediculously low price at the moment, and no one is making any money!  Nevertheless, positive recognition is a good thing, and getting my work into the hands of readers is the whole objective.

        For those loyal readers of my blog, may recall a diatribe of mine a while back regarding the "publishing journey," and this is yet another small step in that trek.  More will be revealed in due time.  Stay tuned!



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